SolutionDots Launches ERP Based Entirely on Web and Mobile Responsive

SolutionDots has just taken a quantum leap in its strategy: first, for the first time, launches an ERP solution that is not only suitable for machinery market. Second, the new ERP is fully web-based. TEXT Complete web based ERP Software System SolutionDots is an innovative system of comprehensive business Web-based management enables automation, management and control of each and every business processes anytime, anywhere, providing access to information through the Internet and improving productivity and company. SolutionDots , which sits on the basis of an advanced technological architecture, is a complete solution, integrated with the rest of CAD / CAM solutions SolutionDots and encourages the use of enterprise portals. It composed of a broad set modules, among which are Treasury, Sales, Purchasing, Manufacturing, Warehousing, Products, CRM ,HR,  SolutionDots incorporates a number of features that, among other benefits, helps to significantly improve processes decision-making, th


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