Biometric Time Attendance System in Saudi Arabia

Biometric Time Attendance System in Saudi Arabia This article is all about the Biometric Time Attendance System . What is Biometrics? What are the advantages of Biometric System? What are the usage of biometric attendance system in Saudi Arabia? You ll get a complete information about biometric time attendance system in Saudi Arabia. And if you are located in Saudi Arabia you can avail benefits from this system by SolutionDots DriveHR System. DriveHR cloud attendance machine provide a live data management system when you are far from your employees working locations, its most effective and advance method to collect employee time. Built in Wi-Fi and real time “Push” cloud technology – enable you to see everything live.  What is Biometrics? Biometrics word is basically a Greek word combination of two words Bio and Metrics (bio mean life and metrics meaning to measure).   Biometrics is generally referred to metrics study of people’s biological characteristics. Human bio


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